Dr CUI, Yongdong, Principal Research Scientist, email: tslcyd@nus.edu.sg Research Interests Awards 1996, First Prize, Scientific and Technological Progress Award in the project “Study of Aerodynamic Charateristics of the Tapered-wing-tip of Y12-IV Airplane”, Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation. 1996, Bronze medal, “Obtaining Airworthiness’ Certificate of FAA of Y12-IV Airplane”, Aviation Industry of China. 1995, Second Prize, Youth Technological Activities, Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation. 1994, “Excellent Youth Staff Member”, Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation. 1992, “Excellent Graduate Student”, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.1986, “Excellent Student”, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Selected Publications Zhao, J., Li, J., Zheng, J. Z., Cui, Y. D., and Khoo, B. C., “Study of shock and induced flow dynamics by pulsed nanosecond DBD plasma actuators”, AIAA journal, Online, 2014. Zhang, J., Cui, Y. D., Cai, J., Dou, H, “Numerical investigation of lateral jets over body of revolution in supersonic crossflow”, Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2012. Cui, Y.D. and Tsai, H.M., "Side Force Suppression by Dimples on Ogive-Cylinder Body", AIAA Journal, Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 1046-1049, April 2009. Cui, Y.D., Lopez, J.M., Lim, T. T., and Marques, F., "Harmonically Forced Enclosed Swirling Flow", Physics of Fluids, Vol. 21, No. 3, 034106, March 2009. Lopez, J.M., Cui, Y.D., Marques, F., and Lim, T.T., "Quenching of Vortex Breakdown Oscillations via Harmonic Modulation", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 599, No. 3, pp. 441-464, March 2008. Cui, Y.D, Lim, T.T., and Tsai, H.M, "Forebody Slot Blowing on Vortex Breakdown and Load Over a Delta Wing", AIAA Journal, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 744-751, March 2008. Cai, J., Cui, Y.D., and Tsai, H.M., "A Combined Experimental and Analytical Investigation of the Vortex Stability over Sharp-Edged Slender Bodies", Physics of Fluids, Vol. 19, No. 8, 087103, 2007. Cui, Y.D, Lim, T.T., and Tsai, H.M., "Control of Vortex Breakdown over a Delta Wing Using Forebody Slot Blowing", AIAA Journal, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 110-117, January 2007. Lopez, J.M., Cui, Y.D, Lim, T.T., "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Competition between Axisymmetric Time-Periodic Modes in an Enclosed Swirling Flow", Physics of Fluids, Vol. 18, No. 10, 104106, October 2006. Lim, T.T. and Cui, Y.D., "On the Generation of Spiral-Type Vortex Breakdown in an Enclosed Cylindrical Container". Physics of Fluids, Vol. 17, No. 4, 044105, April 2005.
Cui, Y.D., Zhao, Z., Li, J., Zheng, J, Hu, F.G., and Khoo, B.C., “Studies on the configurations of nanosecond DBD pulse plasma actuators”, 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 7-11 Dec 2014, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia. New, T.H., Z.Y. Wei, G.C. Koh and Y. D. Cui, "On the role and effectiveness of streamwise vortices in leading-edge modified wings at low Reynolds numbers", 16th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, 24-28 Jun 2014, Okinawa Convention Center, Okinawa, Japan. Lu, Z., Cui, Y.D., Zhu, J., and Debiasi, M., "A novel duct silencer by using dielectric elastomer absorbers", SPIE Smart Structures/NDE 2014, 9- 3 Mar 2014, San Diego, United States. Lu, Z., Cui, Y.D., Zhu, J., Zhao, Z., Debiasi, M., "Acoustic characteristics of a dielectric elastomer absorber", The 166th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 2-6 Dec 2013, San Francisco, United States. Zhao, Z., Li, J., Zheng, J, Cui, Y.D., and Khoo, B.C., "Study of shock and induced flow dynamics by pulsed nanosecond DBD plasma actuators". AIAA Paper, AIAA-2014-0402, 52nd AIAA Science and Technology Form and Exposition (SciTech 2014), 13-19 Jan 2014, Gaylord National, National Harbor, Maryland, United States. Ng, J.H., Li, J., Cui, Y.D., and Lim, T.T., "Active Flow Control on a Circular Cylinder via Streamwise-oriented Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators", AIAA-2013-0349, 51st AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting, 7-10 Jan 2013, Gaylord Texan Hotel and Convention Center, Grapevine, Texas, United States. Hatsari, M. and Cui Y.D., "Implementation of Co-Flow Jet Concept on Low Reynolds Number Airfoil", 40th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 28 Jun-1 Jul 2010, Hyatt McCormick, Chicago, United States. Zhang, J.M., Cai J., and Cui, Y.D., “Effect of nozzle shape to the jet in supersonic cross-flow”, AIAA-Paper-2009-1477, 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including The New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Orlando, Florida, United States, January 5-8, 2009. Lopez, J.M., Marques, F., Lim, T.T., and Cui, Y.D., “Harmonically forced enclosed swirling flow”, 61st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, American Physical Society, San Antonio Convention Center, San Antonio, Texas, United States, December 23-25, 2008. Cui Y.D. and Tsai H.M., “Side force suppression by dimples on ogive-cylinder body at high angles of attack”, AIAA-Paper-2008-0368, 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno Nevada, USA, 07 - 10 January 2008. Lopez, J. M., Cui, Y. D., Marques, F., and Lim, T. T., “Quenching of unsteady vortex breakdown”, In SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, Utah. May 27-June 1, 2007. Cui Y.D., Lim T.T., and Tsai H.M., “Blowing and suction effects on vortex breakdown in an enclosed cylindrical container”, AIAA-Paper-2007-4360, 37th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, in Hyatt Regency Miami, Florida from 25-28 June 2007. Cui Y.D., Lim T.T., and Tsai H.M., “Forebody slot blowing on vortex breakdown and load over a delta wing”, Aerospace Technology Seminar 2007-Embracing Innovation, organized by RSAF, Air Force School, Singapore, March 2007. Cui Y.D., Lim T.T., and Tsai H.M., “Effect of forebody slot blowing on vortex breakdown and load over a delta wing”, AIAA-Paper-2007-0882, 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno Nevada, USA, 08 - 11 January 2007. Cui Y.D., S.H. Winoto, and Lim, T.T., “Flow visualization in abdominal aortic aneurysm models,” Proceedings of 7th Asian Symposium on Visualization, ed. S. H. Winoto, W. K. Chan, National University of Singapore, Singapore, November 3-7, 2003. Lim, T.T. and Cui, Y.D., “Response of a confined vortex breakdown in a low aspect ratio container”, Seventh Triennial International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization, ed. G. M. Carlomagno and I. Grant, University of Naples Federico II, Sorrento, Italy, August 25 – 28, 2003. |