1. | Title: A New Key Recovery Attack on a Code-based Signature from the Lyubashevsky Framework |
Source: Information Processing Letters, Elsevier, Vol/Iss:183/106422, 1872-6119(eISSN) / 0020-0190(ISSN), PP:1-7, 0.851(IF) / 155/164(Jour Rank) / 82(H-Index) | |
Authors: Chik How Tan, Theo Fanuela Prabowo | |
Research Area: Cryptography Programme / Post-Quantum Cryptography | |
2. | Title: Attack on a Code-based Signature Scheme from QC-LDPC Codes |
Source: International Conference on Codes, Cryptology, and Information Security (C2SI) 2023, Rabat, Morocco (29 May 2023 - 31 May 2023), Codes, Cryptology and Information Security, 4th International Conference, C2SI 2023, Rabat, Morocco, May 29–31, 2023, Proceedings, Said El Hajji, Sihem Mesnager, El Mamoun Souidi, Springer Cham, Vol:13874, 1611-3349(eISSN) / 0302-9743(ISSN) / 978-3-03-133017-9(ISBN-13), PP:136-149 | |
Authors: Theo Fanuela Prabowo, Chik How Tan | |
Research Area: Cryptography Programme / Post-Quantum Cryptography | |
3. | Title: Provably Secure Password-authenticated Key Exchange Based on SIDH |
Source: World Conference on Information Security Applications (WISA) 2022, Jeju Island, South Korea (24 Aug 2022 - 26 Aug 2022), Information Security Applications, 23rd International Conference, WISA 2022, Jeju Island, South Korea, August 24–26, 2022, Revised Selected Papers, Ilsun You, Taek-Young Youn, Springer Cham, Vol:13720, 1611-3349(eISSN) / 0302-9743(ISSN) / 978-3-03-125659-2(ISBN-13), PP:16-28 | |
Authors: T.F. Prabowo, C.H. Tan | |
Research Area: Cryptography Programme / Post-Quantum Cryptography | |
4. | Title: A New 10-variable Cubic Bent Function Outside The Completed Mariorana-McFarland Class |
Source: IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences, Japan, IEICE, Vol/Iss:104/9, PP:1353-1356 | |
Authors: Yanjun Li, Haibin Kan, Jie Peng, Chik How Tan, Baixiang Liu | |
Research Area: Cryptography Programme / Post-Quantum Cryptography | |
5. | Title: The Explicit Dual of Leander's Monomial Bent Function |
Source: IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Japan, IEICE, Vol/Iss:104/9, PP:1357-1360 | |
Authors: Yanjun Li, Haibin Kan, Jie Peng, Chik How Tan, Baixiang Liu | |
Research Area: Cryptography Programme / Post-Quantum Cryptography | |
6. | Title: Error-Free Lattice-Based Key Encapsulation Mechanism Based on Ring-LWE |
Source: The 13th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security, Online (01 Dec 2020 - 03 Dec 2020), Foundations and Practice of Security, Nicolescu G., Tria A., Fernandez J.M., Marion JY., Garcia-Alfaro J., Springer, Cham, Vol:12637, 9783-0307-0881-8(eISSN) / 9783-0307-0880-1(ISSN), PP:163-179 | |
Authors: Chik How Tan, Theo Fanuela Prabowo | |
Research Area: Information Security / Information Security Programme | |
7. | Title: Polynomial-Time Plaintext Recovery Attacks on IKKR Code-Based Cryptosystem |
Source: Advances in Mathematics of Communications, Springfield, USA, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Vol:0, 1930-5338(eISSN) / 1930-5346(ISSN), 0.734(IF) / 17(H-Index) | |
Authors: Lau TSC, Tan CH | |
Research Area: Cryptography Programme / Post-Quantum Cryptography | |
8. | Title: Further constructions of bent functions and their duals |
Source: IET Information Security, Wiley, Vol/Iss:15/1, 1751-8717(eISSN) / 1751-8709(ISSN), PP:87-97, 1.37(IF) | |
Authors: Yanjun Li, Jie Peng, Chik How Tan, Haibin Kan, Lijing Zheng | |
Research Area: Information Security / Information Security Programme | |
9. | Title: SAO 1-resilient functions with the currently lowest absolute indicator in even variables |
Source: IEEE Access, IEEE, 2169-3536(eISSN) / 2169-3536(ISSN), PP:222377-222384, 3.37(IF) | |
Authors: Yanjun Li, Haibin Kan, Jie Peng; Chik How Tan | |
Research Area: Cryptography Programme / Post-Quantum Cryptography | |
10. | Title: MURAVE - A New Rank Code-based Signature with MUltiple RAnk VErification |
Source: 8th International Workshop, Code-based Cryptography, CBCrypto 2020, Cham, Switzerland (09 May 2020 - 10 May 2020), Code-based Cryptography, M Baldi, E Persichetti, P Santini, Springer, 1611-3349(eISSN) / 0302-9743(ISSN) / 978-3-03-054073-9(ISBN-13), PP:94-116 | |
Authors: Lau TSC, Tan CH | |
Research Area: Information Security / Information Security Programme | |
11. | Title: An answer to open of Mesnager on bent functions |
Source: Information Processing Letters, Netherlands, Amsterdam, Elsevier B.V., Vol/Iss:161/9, 0020-0190(ISSN), 0.677(IF) / 1206(Citations) | |
Authors: Yanjun Li, Jie Peng, Chik How Tan | |
Research Area: Information Security / Information Security Programme | |
12. | Title: Cryptanalysis of a rank-based signature with short public keys |
Source: Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Cham, Switzerland, Springer, Vol/Iss:88/4, PP:643-653, 1.224(IF) | |
Authors: Aragon N, Blazy O, Deneuville J-C, Gaborit P, Lau TSC, Tan CH, Xagawa K | |
Research Area: Information Security / Information Security Programme | |
13. | Title: A New Encryption Scheme for Multivariate Quadratic Systems |
Source: Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier, Vol:809, 0304-3975(ISSN), PP:372-383 | |
Authors: Chen J, Ning J, Ling J, Lau TSC, Wang Y. | |
Research Area: Information Security / Information Security Programme | |
14. | Title: New Rank Based Encryption Scheme Using Partial Circulant Matrices |
Source: Designs, Codes and Cryptography ####, Springer, Vol/Iss:87/12, 1573-7586(eISSN) / 0925-1022(ISSN), PP:2979-2999 | |
Authors: Terry S.C. Lau, Chik H. Tan | |
Research Area: Information Security / Information Security Programme | |
15. | Title: Key Recovery Attack on Rank Metric code-based Signatures |
Source: 17th IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding, Oxford, UK (16 Dec 2019 - 18 Dec 2019), Cryptography and Coding, Matrin Albrecht, Springer, Vol:11929, 1611-3349(eISSN) / 0302-9743(ISSN) / 9783030351984(ISBN-13), PP:215-235 | |
Authors: Terry Shue Chien Lau, Chik How Tan, and Theo Fanuela Prabowo | |
Research Area: Information Security / Information Security Programme | |
16. | Title: Cryptanalysis on CCA2-Secured LRPC-Kronecker Cryptosystem |
Source: The 24th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP 2019), Christchurch, New Zealand (03 Jul 2019 - 05 Jul 2019), Information Security and Privacy, Julian Jang-Jaccard, Fuchun Guo, Springer, Cham, Iss:11547, PP:211-228 | |
Authors: Lau Terry Shue Chien, Chik How Tan | |
Research Area: Information Security / Information Security Programme | |
17. | Title: A New Gabidulin-like Code and its Application in Cryptography |
Source: 3rd International Conference on Codes, Cryptology and Information Security (C2SI-2019), Rabat, Morocco (22 Apr 2019 - 24 Apr 2019), Codes, Cryptology and Information Security, Claude Carlet and Sylvain Guilley and Abderrahmane Nitaj and El Mamoun Souidi, Springer, Vol:1, 03029743(eISSN), PP:269-287 | |
Authors: Lau Shue Chien, Tan Chik How | |
Research Area: Information Security / Information Security Programme | |
18. | Title: Analysis of TPL Signature Scheme |
Source: IACR ePrint | |
Authors: Terry S.C. Lau, Chik H. Tan, Theo F. Prabowo | |
Research Area: Information Security / Information Security Programme | |
19. | Title: On the Generalized MNT Curves |
Source: Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, Germany, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Vol/Iss:30/2, 1432-0622(eISSN) / 0938-1279(ISSN), PP:107-125 | |
Authors: Duc-Phong Le, Nadia El Mrabet, Safia Haloui, Chik How Tan | |
Research Area: Information Security | |
20. | Title: Rank Metric Code-based Signature |
Source: International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications, ISITA 2018, Singapore, October 28-31, 2018., Singapore (28 Oct 2018 - 31 Oct 2018), International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications, ISITA 2018, Singapore, October 28-31, 2018., Yasutada Oohama and Pascal Vontobel, IEEE Press, Vol:1, 9784885523182(ISBN-13), PP:70-74 | |
Authors: Tan CH, Prabowo TF, Chien Lau TS | |
Research Area: Information Security | |
21. | Title: Key Recovery Attack on Rank Quasi-Cyclic Code-based Signature Scheme |
Source: arXiv ePrint | |
Authors: Terry S.C. Lau, Chik H. Tan | |
Research Area: Information Security / Information Security Programme | |
22. | Title: A New Technique in Rank Metric Code-Based Encryption |
Source: Cryptography, Vol/Iss:2/4, 2410-387X(eISSN) / 2410-387X(ISSN), PP:32 | |
Authors: Lau T, Tan C | |
Research Area: Information Security / Information Security Programme | |
23. | Title: Key Recovery Attack on McNie based on Low Rank Parity Check Codes and its Reparation |
Source: The 13th International Workshop on Security (IWSEC 2018), Sendai, Miyagi, Japan (03 Sep 2018 - 05 Sep 2018), Advances in Information and Computer Security, Atsuo Inomata and Kan Yasuda, Springer, Vol:1, 03029743(eISSN), PP:19-34 | |
Authors: Lau Shue Chien, Tan Chik How | |
Research Area: Information Security | |
24. | Title: Almost Orthogonal MDS Matrices over GR(2^n,k) |
Source: 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Vail, CO, USA (17 Jun 2018 - 22 Jun 2018), 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), IEEE, Vol/Iss:-/-, 2157-8117(eISSN) / -(ISSN) / -(ISBN-10) / 978-1-5386-4781-3(ISBN-13), PP:2416-2420 | |
Authors: Theo Fanuela Prabowo, Chik How Tan | |
Research Area: Information Security | |
25. | Title: A New Encryption Scheme Based on Rank Metric Codes |
Source: 23rd Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (2018 ACISP), Wollongong, Australia (11 Jul 2018 - 13 Jul 2018), Information Security and Privacy, Willy Susilo, and Guomin Yang, Springer, Vol:1, 03029743(eISSN), PP:750-758 | |
Authors: Lau Shue Chien, Tan Chik How | |
Research Area: Information Security | |
26. | Title: More new classes of differentially 4-uniform permutations with good cryptographic properties |
Authors: Peng J, Tan CH, Wang Q, Jianhua GAO, Kan H | |
Research Area: Information Security | |
27. | Title: The Spectrum of Eigenvalues for certain subgraphs of the k-point Fixing Graph |
Source: Linear Algebra and its Applications, Elsevier, Vol:543, PP:72-91 | |
Authors: Lau Shue Chien, Cheng Yeaw Ku, Kok Bin Wong | |
Research Area: Information Security | |