

21 March 2025Seminar on "Sharing for 2025 AIAA SciTech Forum" by Dr Teo, Zhen Wei Alvin, Senior Research Scientist, TL@NUS
21 March 2025Seminar on "Sharing for 2025 AIAA SciTech Forum" by Mr Ng, Wei Shun Marc, Associate Scientist, TL@NUS
7 February 2025Seminar on "Creating New-Generation Catalysts for CO2 Hydrogenation to Methanol" by Mr. Maxim Dickieson, PhD Student, Lab of Green Catalysis at NUS
7 February 2025Seminar on "Transitional Flow Regimes Driven by Shear and Buoyancy Forces" by Mr. Chan Chi Hin, PhD Student, Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London
24 January 2025Seminar on "Sharing on 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)" by Mr. Tan Yan Rui, Associate cientist, TL@NUS
29 November 2024Seminar on "Sharing on the International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems 2024" by Mr. William Leong Wai Lun, Research Scientist, TL@NUS
29 November 2024Seminar on "Sharing on the 1st European Fluid Dynamics Conference (EFDC1)" by Dr. Ng Jee Hann, Senior Research Scientist, TL@NUS
29 November 2024Seminar on "Sharing from the European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting (EDRFCM) 2024" by Dr. Jonathan Tay Chien Ming, Senior Research Scientist, TL@NUS
30 October 2024Seminar on "LES Study of the Influence of Dihedral Angle on Corner Separation Flow in a Diffuser" by Associate Professor Zhou Ling, Beijing Institute of Technology
30 October 2024Seminar on "Laser Induced Fluorescence for Detonations Waves" by Dr. Samir Rojas-Chávez, Research Fellow, Centre for Hydrogen Innovation, NUS
30 October 2024Seminar on "Dual Color Scanning PIV System & Color Crosstalk Correction" by Ms. Mitanjali, PhD Scholar, Aerospace Engineering, IIT Kanpur
10 September 2024Seminar on "Counter Optimization: Worst-Case Optimization for Validation and Verification of Complex Black-Box Systems" by Mr. David Braun, Technische Universität München (TUM) Researcher
10 September 2024Seminar on "Electro-Adhesion for Drone Perching: Electrode Optimization" by Mr. Tseng Kuan Yu, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
10 September 2024Seminar on "Experimental Study on X-Winged Thruster: From Clap and Fling to Camber Formation" by Mr. Lin Shih-Chun, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
10 September 2024Seminar on "Detonation Spectroscopy: Building a Technique to Characterize the Cellular Cycle" by Dr. Mhedine Alicherif, Postdoctoral Research Fellow · KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)
10 September 2024Seminar on "Investigation of Ice Accretion Characteristics on Marine Gas Turbine Inlet Components" by Associate Prof. Liu Xiaogang, Harbin University of Science and Technology
30 August 2024TL@NUS Sharing Session
2 August 2024Seminar on "Research on the Distributed Tilt-Duct Electric Vertical Take-off and Landing Aircraft (eVTOL)" by Professor Lu Zhenbo, Adjunct Senior Research Scientist, Temasek Laboratories, NUS; Professor, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Sun Yat-sen University
2 August 2024Seminar on "Effect of Gas Surface Interactions on VLEO Mission Operation" by Dr. Sai Sudha Ramesh, Senior Research Scientist, Temasek Laboratories, NUS
24 July 2024Seminar on "Learning, Control, and Safety for Enhanced Legged Dexterity" by Assistant Professor Fan Shi, Electrical & Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore
5 July 2024Seminar on "Optimizing Turbulent Channel Flows: A Passive Approach with Dimples" by Dr. Mahmoud Nasr, Research Scientist, Temasek Laboratories, NUS
5 July 2024Seminar on "Mitigating Noise in Compact Urban Cities" by Dr. Chin Yao Wei, Research Scientist, Temasek Laboratories, NUS
3 July 2024Seminar on "Vortex Dynamics in Synthetic Jets Impinging onto Walls" by Professor Xu Yang, Fluid Mechanics Key Laboratory of Education Ministry, Beihang University
3 July 2024Seminar on "Experimental Investigation on Rising Bubbles with/without Liquid Crossflow" by Professor Xu Yang, Fluid Mechanics Key Laboratory of Education Ministry, Beihang University
28 June 2024Seminar on "Sharing on 2023 APMC Conference" by Dr. Rajbala Solanki, Research Scientist, TL@NUS
28 June 2024Seminar on "Sharing on 2024 ACES Symposium" by Dr. Cedric Lee Wee Liang, Senior Research Scientist, TL@NUS
7 June 2024Seminar on "Adding a Simple Production Term to Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Turbulence Models" by Dr. Mohamed Arif bin Mohamed, Lecturer, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
7 June 2024Seminar on "Drag Reduction Study of Spanwise Secondary Flow Induced by Macroscale Corrugated Surface in Turbulent Channel Flow" by Dr. Md Abdur Razzak, Research Scientist, Temasek Laboratories, National University of Singapore
3 May 2024Seminar on "Optimal Model-Based Control for Automated Robotized Abrasive Blasting System" by Dr. Nguyen Van Bo, Research Scientist, Institute of High Performance Computing
3 May 2024Seminar on "Textile Engineering & Micro / Nano Fiber Spinning" by Dr. Xie Sheng, Associate Professor, College of Material and Textile Engineering, Jiaxing University
5 April 2024Seminar on "Towards Accurate Measurements of Skin Friction Drag Reduction over a Flat Plate with Plasma Actuator(s)" by Mr. Edwin Setiadi Sugeng, PhD Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS
5 April 2024Seminar on "Investigations on Picosecond Laser Electronic Excitation Tagging (PLEET) Velocimetry" by Mr. Xiao Hongxun, PhD Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS
22 March 2024Seminar on "Overview of Electromagnetic Selective Structures" by Professor Zhongxiang Shen, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
22 March 2024Seminar on "Customized Drones Array for Ocean Science Application" by Dr. Wang Hao, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)
22 March 2024Seminar on "The Seaward Expansion Pattern of Mangroves in High Siltation Estuaries of China in the 21st Century" by Professor Li Ruili, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate Institute
1 March 2024Seminar on "CFD Study on Supercavitation for a Real-Size Torpedo" by Dr. Liu Ningyu, Senior Research Scientist, TL@NUS
1 March 2024Seminar on "Experimental Study of Effects of Center of Gravity on Dive Recovery Behavior of a Bird Model" by Ms. Chong Ren Ooi, Associate Scientist, TL@NUS
2 February 2024Seminar on "The Effect of Unsteady Inlet Conditions on a Supersonic Turbine" by Mr. Marc Ng Wei Shun, Associate Scientist, TL@NUS
2 February 2024Seminar on "Improved Riemann-SPH Method & its Applications in Multiphase Flows" by Dr. Wang Pingping, Lecturer of Harbin Engineering University
26 January 2024Seminar on "Sharing about the IECON 2023 Conference" by Dr. Huang Sunan, Senior Research Scientist, TL@NUS
24 January 2024Seminar on "Sharing about the ICISC 2023 Conference" by Dr. Theo Fanuela Prabowo, Research Scientist, TL@NUS
5 January 2024Seminar on "Experimental Study on the Effects of Cavitator Geometries on Supercavitation" by Mr. Zhuang Tao, Associate Scientist, TL@NUS
5 January 2024Seminar on "Numerical Validation and Sensitivity Tests of a Model Aircraft in Free Fall" by Dr. Tay Wee Beng, Senior Research Scientist, TL@NUS
1 December 2023Seminar on "Genetic Algorithm LQG & Neural Networks for Gust Load Alleviation of Flying Wings" by Mr. Elijah Ang Hao Wei, Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS
1 December 2023Seminar on "Using Low-fidelity Data in Modelling of Airfoil Aerodynamics" by Mr. Benjamin Wong Yoong Jia, Associate Scientist, TL@NUS
1 December 2023Seminar on "A Vision-Only Relative Distance Calculation Method for Multi-UAV Systems" by Mr. Xu Xiangpeng, PhD Student, Sun Yat-sen University, Shenzhen, China
1 December 2023Seminar on "Gas-Liquid Flow Instability Mechanism in the Micropump" by Mr. Ren Zhipeng, Doctoral candidate, School of Energy Science & Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin
1 December 2023Seminar on "Research & Application of Deep Learning in Fluids Mechanics" by Mr. Wang Yaning, CSC PhD Student, Zhejiang University, China
1 December 2023Seminar on "Deep-Learning Assisted Reduced Order Model for High-Dimensional Flow Prediction from Sparse Data" by Mr. Wu Jiaxin, PhD Student, Ocean College, Zhejiang University, Zhoushan, Zhejiang, China
1 December 2023Seminar on "Research on Cavitation Identification & Suppression Method of Hydrodynamic Torque Converter" by Mr. Zhang Jiahua, Joint PhD from Beijing Institute of Technology
17 November 2023Sharing Session by Mr. Benjamin Wong Yoong Jia & Dr. Sutthiphong "Spot" Srigrarom, TL@NUS
3 November 2023Seminar on "Post-Processing Methodology for TDLAS Temperature Measurement of Combustion Flows" by Mr. Avion Lim, Engineering Doctorate Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS
3 November 2023Seminar on "Numerical Investigation of Curvature Effect on Detonation Characteristics in Shuttling Transverse Combustion" by Mr. Chua Peng Hwee, Engineering Doctorate Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS
27 October 2023Sharing Session by by Dr. Liao Fang, TL@NUS
9 October 2023Seminar on "Gas and Liquid Phase Transients in Droplet Evaporation and Autoignition" by Dr. Shangpeng Li, Research Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS
9 October 2023Seminar on "Hydrogen Detonation Mitigation with Water Sprays" by Dr. Xu Yong, Research Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS
29 September 2023Sharing Session by by Dr. Huang Xin, Dr. Ng Jee Hann, Mr. Marc Ng Wei Shun & Dr. Wang Chao-Fu, TL@NUS
8 September 2023Seminar on "Research in Acoustic Noise Reduction and Reconfiguration Antennas Inspired by Origami" by Mr. Wang Yutao, Visiting PhD Student, Southeast University
8 September 2023Seminar on "Aerial-Aquatic Robots Capable of Crossing the Air-Water Boundary and Hitchhiking on Surfaces" by Mr. Yiyuan Zhang, PhD Student, NUS Soft Robotics Lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS
11 August 2023Seminar on "Sharing about the 14th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion 2023 (ASPACC)" by Dr. Li Jiun-Ming, TL@NUS
14 July 2023Sharing Session by Dr. Theo Fanuela Prabowo & Mr. Benjamin Wong Yoong Jia, TL@NUS
16 June 2023Seminar on "Sharing on AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition 2023" by Dr. Tay Wee Beng, Dr. Chang Po-Hsiung, Dr. Alvin Teo Zhen Wei, TL@NUS
05 May 2023Seminar on "Overview of Hydrogen Safety Study" by Associate Professor Li Xuefang, Shandong University
14 April 2023Seminar on "Moffatt Eddies in Electrohydrodynamic Flows: Numerical Simulations and Analyses" by Ms. He Xuerao, PhD Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS
14 April 2023Seminar on "Viscoelastic Channel Flow is Convectively Unstable" by Mr. Wan Dongdong, PhD Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS
03 March 2023Seminar on "Experimental Studies of Continuous Detonation in a Linearized Combustor: Shuttling Transverse Combustion" by Dr. Huang Xin, Senior Research Scientist, Temasek Laboratories, NUS
03 March 2023Seminar on "Investigations on Vortex-Induced Vibration of the Wind Turbine Airfoil at Standstill" by Mr. Lian Bo, Visiting PhD Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS
28 October 2022Seminar on "Viscoelastic Influence on Cavitating Bubble Dynamics" by Mr. Christian Lang, Ph.D. candidate, Chair of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, Technical University of Munich
07 October 2022Seminar on "Laser-based Diagnostics for Electric Field and Species Concentration Measurements for Gas Discharges and Combustion Applications" by Dr. Chng Tat Loon, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS
07 October 2022Seminar on "A Domain Decomposition Technique for Small Amplitude Acoustic Wave Interactions and Scattering" by Mr. Lim Wei Xian, Ph.D. Candidature of NTU, MAE
02 September 2022Seminar on "Large Angle of Attack Prediction for Tail-Sitter using ANN-based Flush Air Data Sensing" by Mr. Liao Yangtianchun, PhD Student, NUS
05 August 2022Seminar on "Tunable Double-layer Design of Acoustic Resonant Absorber Panels" by Mr. Wu Chih Chun, MSc Student, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
05 August 2022Seminar on "Hybrid Drone with Flapping and Fixed Wings" by Mr. Huang Chih Kai MSc Student, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
21 July 2022Seminar on "Reconfigurable Rasorbers: The New Era of Stealth Technology" by Dr. Saikat Chandra Bakshi, Research Fellow, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, NUS
01 July 2022Seminar on "The Investigation of Gas Distribution Asymmetry Effect on Coriolis Flowmeter Accuracy at Multiphase Metering" by Ms. Evgeniia Shavrina, PhD Student, NUS
01 July 2022Seminar on "Experimental Study of Skin Friction Drag Reduction of Turbulent Boundary Layer Over Shallow Dimples" by Dr. Md Abdur Razzak, Research Scientist, Temasek Laboratories, NUS
03 June 2022Webinar on "A Coupled SPH-EBG Numerical Model for Modelling of Cell Deformations in Microchannel" by Ms. Lee Jia Min, PhD Student, Nanyang Technological University
03 June 2022Webinar on "Measurement and Simulation of Extreme Wind Field for Wind Resistance of Long-Span Bridges" by Mr. Zhang Han, CSC Visiting PhD Student, Southeast University, China
13 May 2022Webinar on "Evaluation of Passive and Active Suppression Methods on Cavity Tone" by Dr. Teo Zhen Wei Alvin, Research Scientist, Temasek Laboratories, NUS
13 May 2022Webinar on "Prediction of Wind Loads on Marine Vessels and Offshore Platforms with Reduced-Order Method and Data Assimilation" by Dr. Xing Xiuqing, Senior Scientist, Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR
01 April 2022Webinar on "Challenges of High Altitude Long Endurance UAVs" by Dr. Jonathan Tay, Senior Research Scientist, Temasek Laboratories, NUS
01 April 2022Webinar on "Bird Inspired Wing Folding Aerial Vehicles" by Dr. Chan Woei Leong, Senior Research Scientist, Temasek Laboratories, NUS
04 March 2022Webinar on "Virtual Controlled Flight of Quadrotors" by Dr. Murali Damodaran, Senior Research Scientist, Temasek Laboratories, NUS
04 March 2022Webinar on "Numerical Investigation of Flow Structures and Wave Modes in Shuttling Transverse Combustion" by Dr. Shan Ruiqin, Research Scientist, Temasek Laboratories, NUS
11 February 2022Webinar on "Flame Structure, Stabilization and Transition of Fire Whirls" by Dr. Li Shangpeng, Research Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS
11 February 2022Webinar on "Ice Accretion Impact on Aerodynamic Performance Across The Icing Layer In The Atmosphere" by Dr. Ng Jee Hann, Research Scientist, Temasek Laboratories, NUS
07 January 2022Webinar on "Recent Progress, Challenges and Future Directions for Insect-inspired Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicles" by Dr. Quoc-Viet Nguyen, Senior Research Scientist, Temasek Laboratories, NUS
07 January 2022Webinar on "Research on Flow Control Mechanism and Strategy of Turbine Tip Clearance" by Mr. Chen Yingjie, PhD Student, Harbin Institute of Technology
10 December 2021Webinar on "SiC Based Lightweight Materials for Electromagnetic Application" by Ms. Lan Xiaolin, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS
10 December 2021Webinar on "Silk-derived Carbon Fibre for Electromagnetic Application" by Ms. Quan Jing, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS
03 December 2021Webinar on "Gas-Solid Reacting Flow Model Based on Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS)" by Mr. Qu Sibo, PhD Student, Department of Energy and Engineering, Tsinghua University
03 December 2021Webinar on "TDLAS for Sensing Pre-Vaporized Jet A-1 in Liquid-Fuel Pressure-Gain Combustion" by Dr. Chang Po-Hsiung, Senior Research Scientist, TL@NUS
12 November 2021Webinar on "An Axisymmetric SPH Method Based on Riemann Solver with Applications in Ocean Engineering" by Ms. Fang Xiangli, PhD Candidate, Harbin Engineering University
12 November 2021Webinar on "Nonlinear Fluid-structure Interaction Algorithm and Design Method of Temperature-control Curtain for Low-temperature Water Treatment" by Mr. Zhang Yan, PhD Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS
12 November 2021Webinar on "Physics-Based Deep-learning in Aerodynamic Shape Optimization and Flow Control" by Dr. Li Jichao, Postdoc Research Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS
01 October 2021Webinar on "Numerical Investigation of a Bird Inspired UAV" by Dr. Tay Wee Beng, Research Scientist, TL@NUS
01 October 2021Webinar on "Numerical Modelling of Underwater Turbulent Far Wake Induced Free Surface Signatures" by Dr. Sai Sudha Ramesh, Senior Research Scientist, TL@NUS
03 September 2021Webinar on "Linear Instability and Chaotic Characteristics of Electroconvective Flows" by Mr. Zhe Feng, PhD student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS
03 September 2021Webinar on "Ventilated Acoustic Metasurface with Broad Stop-bands and Extreme Low Frequency Sound Insulation" by Dr. Chin Yao Wei, Research Scientist, TL@NUS
06 August 2021Webinar on "Continuous Detonation Devices and Pressure Gain Combustion" by Dr. Huang Xin, Research Scientist, TL@NUS
01 July 2021Webinar on "On the Development of Light Field PIV in 3D Flows Measurement " by Mr. Zhu Xiaoyu, PhD Candidate, Southeast University, China
01 July 2021Webinar on "Research on Transient Flow and Unsteady Characteristics of Viscous Fluid Cavitation Inside Turbomachine" by Mr. Guo Meng, Visiting PhD, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
01 July 2021Webinar on "A Two-Phase Riemann SPH Model for Hydraulic Flows with Complex Interface" by Mr. Zifei Meng, PhD Candidate, Harbin Engineering University, China
11 June 2021Webinar on "Use of Porous Surface in Aerodynamic Noise Reduction" by Dr. Thirukumaran Nadesan, Research Scientist, TL@NUS
11 June 2021Webinar on "Modeling Solid-Liquid Phase-Changes in Binary and Ternary Systems" by Dr. Chen Zhen, Research Scientist, TL@NUS
14 May 2021Webinar on "Non-Intrusive Reduced Order Models for Computational Aeroservoelasticity and Wave-Structure Interaction Problems" by Dr. Rahul Halder, Research Scientist, TL@NUS
14 May 2021Webinar on "Lattice Boltzmann Flux Solver and Immersed Boundary Method" by Dr. Zhao Xiang, Research Scientist, TL@NUS
09 April 2021Seminar on "Aerodynamic Simulation of Flapping Wing" by Ms. Hu Fujia, PhD student, Xi’an Jiaotong University
09 April 2021Seminar on "Smoothed Finite Element Method for Incompressible Flows" by Mr. Mingyang Liu, PhD student, Central South University
19 March 2021Seminar on "Study of Taylor-Couette Flow Configuration with Longitudinal Corrugated Surface" by Dr. Md Abdur Razzak, Research Scientist, TL@NUS
19 March 2021Seminar on "On the Design and Aerodynamic Performance of Joined-Wing Aircrafts" by Dr. Teo, Zhen Wei Alvin, Research Scientist, TL@NUS
05 February 2021Seminar on "Water Ingestion Phenomenon of Aircraft Engines: Causes, Threats and Some Research Results" by Mr. Yang Lu
05 February 2021Seminar on "Self-Oscillatory Propulsion in Inertialess Fluid: Simulation, Theory and Experiments" by Prof. Zhu Lailai