
EM Materials

Programme Overview

The Advanced Materials Group aims to develop knowledge and understanding of the underlying physics governing the electromagnetic (EM) properties of materials, particularly pertaining to the interaction of EM wave with materials and structures, that are relevant to the development of materials for defense applications.

Broad Objectives

    • To conduct research into the electromagnetic behavior of various types of materials
    • To grain in-depth understanding of the physics behind wave-material interactions
    • To develop EM materials and verify their properties
    • To explore new materials with novel EM properties

Research Scopes

Magnetic Materials

    • Ferrite materials with high permeability (μ΄) and high losses (μ΄΄)
    • Ferrite materials with low losses (ε΄΄ and μ΄΄)
    • Carbonyl iron and metallic alloys
    • Thin film materials with high permeability (μ΄)

Composite Materials (with inclusions of)

    • Plate-like ferrie and core-shell structure
    • Conductive fibers (non-magnetic and magnetic)
    • Thin film slab of alloy/ferrite

Metamaterials for Potential Applications

    • Artificial permeability for thin materials
    • Anisotropic structures (helix/chiral)
    • Negative refraction index materials
    • Metamaterials for surface wave applications

Smart Materials/Structures (Active Materials)

    • Active screens
    • Tunable materials

Measurement and Numerical Simulation/Calculation

Project Highlights

Development of magneto-dielectric materials for antenna miniaturizations
Electromagnetic smart screens and applications
Magnetic thin films for high-frequency applications
New magnetic fillers for EM attenuation composites at microwave frequencies
Synthesis and characterization of core/shell nano-particle for electromagnetic application at gigahertz frequencies
Ultra-thin metamaterial absorber

Group Head

Dr YANG, Yong, Senior Research Scientist, email:

Technical Staff

Dr Pon Janani, SUGUMARAN, Research Scientist, email:
Dr Sreekanth Ginnaram, Research Scientist, email:
Dr Udeshwari, Research Scientist, email:
Ms Kokila, KHANAL, Associate Scientist, email:
Mr ONG, Zihang Simon, Associate Scientist, email:
Mr ANG, Chin Keong Jerome, Laboratory Technologist, email: